Team building: what you should know before you begin

It’s 8:30 a.m. as I scan my calendar to review the day’s events: meetings, prospecting, appointments and follow-up. I take a deep breath, look around and realize that I’m the only agent in the office in addition to a few administrators. How long can I keep going like this? I’m stretching my resources, time and energy doing every single thing in my business. Marketing, helping buyers, regulating my business budget and tedious administrative paperwork. Life would be so much easier if I just had … an assistant. A partner agent would also be helpful — splitting the profits would not be a concern if the amount of work has the potential to multiply our return with the right strategy. What about an assistant and a partner? Of course; a team is the answer! However, there are some questions to think about before team building:

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Anthony West

Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, and whatever else inspires me.